P.B. Designs (pbd) |
P. Buckley Moss (pbm) |
P.M. Designs (pmd) |
P.M. Originals (pmo) |
P.S. It's Cross Stitch! / Pam Sullivan & Sue Moore (ps) |
Pab Designs (pab) |
Pako Handwerken (phw) |
Pacific Collection (pcl) |
Paintbrushes & Sawdust (pbs) |
Palm Beach Needle Painters, Inc / Designed by Lynne Marie (pbnp) |
Pal Primer Arts Ltd, Inc (pal) |
Pamela Laba Designs (plab) |
Paragon Needlecraft (pn) |
Past & Present Needlework (ppn) |
Pat & Pam, Inc (ppi) |
Pat Holbrook Designs (phd) |
Pat Rogers' Counted Collection (pr) |
Patryska Patterns (ptry) |
Pat Wilkie Keene (pwk) |
Patches, Etc. (ptc) |
Patricia Ann Designs (pads) |
Patricia D. Cope Designs (pdcd) |
Patricia Gaskin Designs (pg) |
Patricia Woods Designs (pw) |
Patterns by Gayle (pbg) |
Patty Ann Creations (pac) |
Paula Denham Co (pd) |
Paula Vaughan (pvn) |
Peacock Publications - Australia (pea) |
Peacock & Fig / Dana Batho (pckf) |
Pegasus Originals, Inc (po) |
Peggy Ann Originals (pad) |
Peggy Wellman Designs (pwd) |
Periwinkle Promises (pwp) |
Permin of Copenhagen - Carl J. Perman - UK (poc) |
Pickle Barrel Designs (pbd) |
Piecework Magazine - USA (piw) |
Pine Mountain Designs (pmd) |
Pik-admc Corp (pil) |
Pinoy Stitch (pnys) |
Pitter Patterns (pp) |
Pixie Dust (px) |
Plaid (pld) |
Plane Stitchery (pls) |
Playhouse Cross-Stitch (pl) |
Plum Pudding NeedleArt (pupn) |
Pocket-Full of Dreams (pcf) |
Point De Croix (pdc) |
Pollywoggs & Pettycoats (pap) |
Poppy Kreations (pk) |
Porcupine Collection (prc) |
Posh Publishing, Inc (pq) |
Posy Collection, Inc (pos) |
Potpourri Etc. (pot) |
Prairie Farm Designs (prf) |
Prairie Schooler, The (pscr) |
Praying Hands / Leisure Arts (pry) |
Precious Moments / Designs by Gloria & Pat (dgp) |
Prentice-Hall, Inc (prhi) |
Prentiss NeedleArt Designs (prnd) |
Primrose Cottage Stitches / Designed by Katie Rogers (prcs) |
Primpose Path (prp) |
Primedia Special Interest Publish (psip) |
Primitive Hare, The / Isabella Abbiati (prhr) |
Princess Designs (pcd) |
Procupine Collection, The (purc) |
Priscilla Hauser Designs (ph) |
Pro-Graphs (pro) |
Publications by Posh (pq) |
Puckerbrush, Inc (puc) |
Puddin' Designs (pudd) |
Pumpkins Patch Originals (ppo) |
Punto Magazine - Italy (pun) |
PuntiniPuntini Cross Stitch Charts /Designed by Paola Rizzi (punt) |
Purrfect Spots / Nan Baker (prrs) |
S.P. Ink (spk) |
Sabra Publishing Co, Inc (spci) |
Sally Ann Designs / Sally Milner Publishing (sad) |
Saltbox Samplers (sltbx) |
Sam-Cloth (sc) |
Sam Hawkins Designs (shk) |
Sampler Workes (swe) |
Sampler & Antique Needlework Quarterly Magazine - USA (sanq) |
Sampler Collectin, The (samc) |
Sampler House, The / Eileen Bennett (sh) |
Samplers And Such (sas) |
Samplers... From the Heart / Jill Siegler (sph) |
Samplers of Sylke (ssy) |
Samplers Plus (sp) |
Samplery, The (sa) |
SamSarah Designs Studio (sds) |
San Designs (snd) |
Sandi Phipps Counted Cross Stitch (snds) |
Sara Murray Designs (smd) |
Sarah May Designs Ltd - UK (smm) |
Satsuma Street (satst) |
Scarlet Letter, The (stl) |
Scarlet Thread, The (sct) |
Scatter House Stitches (shs) |
Schiffer Publishing, Inc - France (schp) |
Schoolhouse Designs, Inc (sch) |
Schoolroom Samplings (schs) |
Scissor Tail Designs / Melinda Cole Billam (sctd) |
SEBA Designs (seba) |
Search Press (sp) |
Seaside Designs (ssd) |
Seashore Designs (sshd) |
Seaworthy Designs (swrd) |
Sebby's Designs (sbb) |
Sedgewood Press (sdw) |
Seebo's Creations / Joyce Seebo (sboc) |
Sekas & Co (skc) |
Selected Stitcheries by Sandra (ssbs) |
Semco Crafts Pty. Ltd. - Australia (semco) |
Sequin Designs / Karen M. Hankla (sqd) |
Serendipity Designs (srd) |
Sew & Co (swc) |
Sew & So, Co - United Kingdom (sewuk) |
Sew Fine Designs (swfd) |
Sew Fun (sew) |
Sewing Bird, The (swb) |
Sewing Chest Designs (scd) |
Sew Original NeedleArt (swon) |
Sew So Easy (sse) |
Shannon Christine Designs (shcd) |
Shariane Designs, Inc (shrd) |
Sharon's Designer Collection (shoc) |
Sharon Perna (spr) |
Shay Pendray's Needle Arts, Inc (spna) |
Sheenas Gallery (sg) |
Sheepish Antiques (spad) |
Sheepish Designs (spsd) |
Sheinbart Associates (shea) |
Shepherd's Bush (shrp) |
Sherwood Studio (shrw) |
Shimmering Dewdrop (smdd) |
Shirley Shirley Originals (shsh) |
Shooting Star Press - London (ssar) |
Sigrid Designs / Thimb Elena (sgd) |
Silver Lining Creations (sllc) |
Silver Lining, The (sll) |
Silver Needle Studio (sns) |
Silver Thimble LLC, The (slth) |
Simple Stitches / Kaci Ogg (smpy) |
Simplicity (smpy) |
Simply Cross Stitch Magazine - USA (sbcs) |
Simply Old-Fashioned (sof) |
Simply Samplers (sys) |
Simply The Best Cross Stitch Magazine / Jill Oxton - Australia (sib) |
Singer Company (sing) |
Sisters & Best Friends (sabf) |
Sisters In Stitches (sins) |
Sitka Stitches (sks) |
Sit 'n Stitch (sits) |
SJ Designs Needleworks / Susan Johnson (sjd) |
Skat Kat Designs (skk) |
Skinner Sisters (skss) |
SLQ Designs (slq) |
Smile n' Stitch (smns) |
Smithsonian Institution (smi) |
Smokey Mountain Designers (smkd) |
Sniktaw Charts (snk) |
Soliel Group of Co (sog) |
Something Different (sd) |
Something Golden (smgld) |
Something In Common (soil) |
Something Special (soc) |
Sooz Designs (sooz) |
Source Marketing (som) |
Sourpuss Designs (sor) |
South Forty, The (sfry) |
Spare Time Originals (sptd) |
Spinning Wheel (spnw) |
Spring Valley Stitchery (spvs) |
Spirit of Cross-Stitch Festival (spcs) |
Sporting Masters, Ltd, The (spm) |
Springberry Kreek Designs (sbk) |
St. Martin's Griffin (smg) |
St. Ruth Designs (stru) |
Stadia Handcrafts - Australia (sha) |
Stancil Stitches (stst) |
Stardust (std) |
Starlit Quilts / Etsy (stlq) |
Starr Designs / Barbara Starr (strr) |
Stars, Hearts & Friends (sthf) |
Station Too, The (soo) |
Steel Needle Stitchery (stns) |
Steele Family, The / Designs by Vanessa (disi) |
Stewart, Tabori & Chang, Inc - England (swte) |
Step 2, The (s2i) |
Sterling Publishing (str) |
Stitch Company, The - UK (stco) |
Stitchers Attic (stac) |
Stitcher's Habit, The (sth) |
Stitchery by Gail (sbg) |
Stitchery Nook (stn) |
Stitchery Square (sq) |
Stitches by Cheri (stc) |
Stitches Count Magazine - USA (stcot) |
Stitches From the Heartland (stfh) |
Stitching Bee Designs / Jennifer Halter (sbee) |
Stitchin' Post Creations (stpoc) |
Stitchin' Shamrock, The (ss) |
Stitchin' Time, Inc (stti) |
Stitching Kreations (stks) |
Stitching Parlor, The (stp) |
Stitching Post, The (stpo) |
Stitching Stable, The (stbl) |
Stitching With The Housewives (swhw) |
Stitchmaker, The (stmk) |
Stitchopolis (spols) |
Stitch World Magazine / Cross-Stitch Needlework - USA (sw) |
Stitchworks Fine Needlework Designs, The (swlt) |
Stitchy Kitty (stk) |
Stoney Creek Collection / Stoney Creek Magazine - USA (scc) |
Strawberry Molly Designs (srmd) |
Strawberry Patch, Inc (strw) |
Studio B (sb) |
Studio M (sm) |
Studio Seven (sss) |
Stuck Collection (stcl) |
Sudberry House (sdb) |
Sue Hillis Designs (shd) |
Sue Lentz Needlework (sl) |
Sugarplum Express (sgp) |
Sugar Stitches Cross Stitch Designs (sust) |
SuLar Prime Time Designs (sul) |
Sultana Kits (suit) |
Summit Designs (sum) |
Sundance Designs, Inc (sud) |
Sunflower Samplings (sf) |
Sunflower Seed, The (ssed) |
Sun Graphics (sng) |
Sunny Lawrence (sunl) |
Sunset (snst) |
Sunspots (snsp) |
Susan Bates, Inc (ssb) |
Susan Haynes Book (suhy) |
Susan Roberts Needlepoint (srnp) |
Suzanne McNeil Designs Originals (sz) |
Susan Wells Vaughan / X-it Designs (xit) |
Sweetheart Co (swh) |
Sweetheart Tree, The / Sandra Cox Vanosdall (swt) |
Sweet Pea & Peanut Designs (spsp) |
Sweetwater Designs (swwt) |
Symbols of Excellence / Just Cross Stitch (sym) |